Well-being at work: Introducing our award-nominated partnership with The Thrive Programme

This week, United Purpose is nominated for a Not a Red Card award – celebrating mental health excellence in the workplace. The nomination for the ‘Collaboration Award’ recognises our unique partnership with The Thrive Programme. Over the last few years, we’ve been working together to develop a forward-thinking staff well-being and empowerment initiative. Here’s how:

A safeguarding step change? It’s time for radical ideas

Last week DFID hosted a Safeguarding Summit with representatives who fund, support, research and deliver international aid and development programmes. United Purpose was one of the 500 delegates who came together to support the ‘safeguarding step change' proposed by DFID to drive up standards to protect the people that we work with from harm. While policies, procedures and standards are fundamentally important, they are simply not enough.