Our projects


Strategic Objectives

  • Increased productivity and improved access to markets, finance and extension services for 500,000 farm labourers and smallholder farmer families through a network of 2,500 skilled local service providers and entrepreneurs.

  • Improve access of 1,000 poor communities to safe WASH facilities, primary health care and improved nutrition, by building the capacity of schools, community groups and informal service providers.

  • Improve disaster preparedness and the protection status of 500 vulnerable communities through awareness campaigns, strengthening of local institutions, digital technology and networking with local government institutions, the private sector and civil society organisations.

  • Provide opportunities for 5,000 young people to acquire vocational, numeracy and literacy skills, and challenge harmful social and gender norms, gain employment and improve their lives.

UP Bangladesh: Strategic Aim

What: Make a lasting contribution to the resilience of remote and vulnerable communities in Bangladesh.
How: Building the capacity of farmers, labourers, entrepreneurs, local government and civil society and by supporting self-help initiatives for inclusive economic development, improved health and disaster preparedness.