Meet Bola Ba / Dyma Bola Ba

Bola Ba lives in Niarry Tally, an area in Dakar, Senegal. She has a soap-making business, and has participated in business training sessions led by United Purpose. She belongs to a women’s collective that United Purpose supports through training, providing equipment and improving access to markets.

When the pandemic hit, Bola Ba and other members of her women’s collective mobilised to help others in the community. They acted quickly to spread vital information about preventing the spread of COVID-19, and they donated soap and food packages to people in need.

Bola Ba says: “I know I’m old but I love being among people who are younger, talking and sharing.” In Senegal, as a result of the Welsh Government-funded COVID-19 response project, United Purpose has supported 400 women’s groups with over 12,000 members to improve their businesses.               

Mae Bola Ba yn byw yn Niary Tally, ardal yn Dakar, Senegal. Mae ganddi fusnes gwneud sebon, ac mae wedi cymryd rhan mewn sesiynau hyfforddi busnes dan arweiniad United Purpose. Mae'n perthyn i gydweithfa menywod y mae United Purpose yn ei chefnogi drwy ddarparu  hyfforddiant, offer a gwell mynediad i farchnadoedd.

Pan darodd y pandemig, aeth Bola Ba ac aelodau eraill o'r gydweithfa menywod ati i helpu eraill yn y gymuned. Gweithiodd y criw ar fyrder i rannu gwybodaeth hanfodol ynghylch sut i atal COVID-19 rhag lledaenu, gan roi sebon a phecynnau bwyd i bobl mewn angen.

Dywed Bola Ba: “Dwi’n gwybod fy mod i'n hen, ond dwi wrth fy modd ymhlith pobl iau, yn siarad ac yn rhannu.” Yn Senegal, o ganlyniad i brosiect ymateb COVID-19 dan nawdd Llywodraeth Cymru, mae United Purpose wedi cefnogi 400 o grwpiau menywod gyda dros 12,000 o aelodau i wella eu busnesau.