PROSPER Semi-Annual Newsletter
PROSPER is a multi-stakeholder resilience programme supporting the Government of Malawi to reduce extreme poverty and end the recurrent cycle of crises and humanitarian assistance. With funding from UKAID under the BRACC (Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change), and over a 4-year and 4-month period (Dec. 2018- March 2023), PROSPER will target 950,000 vulnerable people in the districts of Balaka, Chikwawa, Phalombe and Mangochi.
PROSPER aims at reducing the impact of climate shocks, responding to seasonal consumption needs, supporting the design of social safety nets, and generating evidence and knowledge to inform government policy. PROSPER is implemented by a joint NGO, private sector and UN consortium consisting of Concern Worldwide, FAO, GOAL, Kadale Consultants, the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office, UNDP, UNICEF, United Purpose, and WFP.