# COVID-19: Our response

Together we will beat it - Sunny Neji and the power of music.

Getting the message out about hand washing and other hygiene practices has never been so important.  We know that music is a great way to do that, especially with younger audiences.  We learnt this during the 2015 Ebola outbreak, when we teamed up with the Nigerian super star Sunny Neji  to create the viral hit “Wash Your Hands O”.  It spread the handwashing message far and wide.  We’re delighted to have teamed up with Sunny again with a song to help us beat COVID 19.

Why not share this video on your social media channels and tag us in videos of you dancing along on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook #SpreadTheLove @UnitedPurpose

People who live in countries where there are high levels of poverty and inequality are likely to be hit hardest by COVID-19.  United Purpose is working very hard to keep these people as safe as possible. 

Please consider supporting our work during this crisis - together, we can beat it.