Overcoming vaccine scepticism in Nigeria / Goresgyn amheuaeth ynghylch y brechlyn yn Nigeria
Elizabeth Akpehe
Gboko Local Government Area (LGA) is an urban area in Benue state, north-central Nigeria. When the pandemic hit, there was a lot of fear and uncertainty about COVID-19 in Gboko, as well as significant vaccine scepticism and misinformation.
In May 2021, United Purpose worked closely with the local government in Gboko to run awareness sessions and conduct house-to-house visits to provide people with reliable, accurate information.
Elizabeth Akpehe headed up the vaccination team. She has many accolades, including Director of Health for Gboko LGA, social worker, civil servant, farmer, entrepreneur, community mobiliser – and mother to four boys. She is delighted about the results of UP’s awareness campaign.
Elizabeth says: “Initially, the Gboko LGA vaccination team reported that 1,969 people had come forward for the vaccine – but during UP’s campaign there was a noticeable boost in the number.”
With Welsh Government funding, United Purpose reached 143,657 households through house-to-house COVID awareness visits in Nigeria. Our mobile vaccination campaigns in hard-to-reach communities led to 4,564 people being vaccinated.
Mae ardal llywodraeth leol Gboko wedi’i lleoli yn nhalaith Benue, yng nghanolbarth gogledd Nigeria. Pan drawyd y bandemig, daeth â llawer o ofn ac ansicrwydd yn ogystal ag amheuaeth sylweddol ynghylch y brechlyn a lledaeniad camwybodaeth.
Ym mis Mai 2021, gweithiodd United Purpose yn agos gyda’r llywodraeth lleol yn Gboko i redeg sesiynau cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth a chynnal ymweliadau o dŷ i dŷ i gyflwyno gwybodaeth ddibynadwy a chywir i bobl.
Mae Elizabeth Akpehe wedi bod yn berson allweddol yn y broses hon. Mae hi’n fawr ei bri fel Cyfarwyddwr Iechyd ardal llywodraeth leol Gboko, gweithiwr cymdeithasol, gwas sifil, ffermwraig, entrepreneur, ymgyrchydd cymunedol – a mam i bedwar o fechgyn. Mae hi wrth ei bodd gyda chanlyniadau ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth UP.
Dywed Elizabeth: “I ddechrau, nododd tîm brechu ardal llywodraeth leol Gboko fod 1,969 o bobl wedi dod i gael y brechlyn – ond yn ystod yr ymgyrch, roedd cynydd arwyddocoal.”
Gyda chyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru, cyrhaeddodd United Purpose 143,657 o deuluoedd drwy ymweliadau ymwybyddiaeth o COVID o dŷ i dŷ yn Nigeria . Arweiniodd ein hymgyrchoedd brechu symudol mewn cymunedau anodd eu cyrraedd at 4,564 o bobl yn cael eu brechu.