Arddangosfa / Exhibition

Cymuned - o Gymru i Orllewin Affrica

Community - from Wales to West Africa

Temple of Peace, Cardiff, 8-11 March 2022
Temple of Peace, Caerdydd, 8-11 Mawrth 2022

Manylion / Details

Bydd harddangosfa amlgyfrwng United Purpose yn trin a thrafod ‘cymuned’ a sut mae hyn wedi newid yn ystod y pandemig. I ddathlu ein partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Cymru, mae’r arddangosfa’n rhannu straeon a delweddau cyfareddol o’n prosiect ymateb COVID brys yng ngwledydd Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal a’r Gambia, a gasglwyd gan ffotograffwyr lleol.

United Purpose’s multimedia exhibition explores the theme of ‘community’ and how this has shifted over the course of the pandemic. In celebration of our partnership with the Welsh Government, the exhibition shares compelling stories and images from our emergency COVID response project in Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal and The Gambia, collected by local photographers.

Lleoliad / location:

Temple of Peace, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AP

Oriau agor / opening times:

8 Mawrth/ 8 March: 1-5pm

9 Mawrth-11 Mawrth/ 9 March-11 March: 9am-5pm

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