Meet DJ Ditz, entertainer and community activist / Dyma DJ Ditz, diddanwr ac ymgyrchydd cymunedol

DJ Ditz, resident of Gboko in Benue State, Nigeria, is passionate about sharing important messages through music. When the pandemic hit, he was concerned that people did not have reliable information about preventing the spread of COVID-19. Getting information to the masses was a challenge.

Supported by United Purpose, DJ Ditz translated a song about COVID-19 into his own language. He took the song into the community, alongside practical demonstrations of what people could do to protect themselves from the virus. The song reached many people in his community, inspiring them to change their behaviour.

DJ Ditz says: “Music is a very simple language and the message of this song carries all the information about COVID-19. If our people stay safe, I am also safe.” United Purpose used songs, jingles and skit acting to spread vital messages about COVID-19 through mobile pop-ups, reaching 1,164,248 people in 95 population centres in Nigeria. This was made possible through Welsh Government funding. 

Mae DJ Ditz, un o drigolion Gboko yn Nhalaith Benue, Nigeria, yn rhannu negeseuon pwysig drwy gerddoriaeth. Roedd yn pryderu nad oedd pobl yn meddu ar wybodaeth ddibynadwy ynghylch sut i atal COVID-19 rhag lledaenu. Roedd trosglwyddo gwybodaeth i'r werin bobl yn her.

Gyda chefnogaeth United Purpose, cyfieithodd DJ Ditz gân am COVID-19 i'w iaith ei hun. Aeth â'r gân i'r gymuned, ynghyd ag arddangosiadau ymarferol o'r hyn y gallai pobl ei wneud i amddiffyn eu hunain rhag y feirws. Cyrhaeddodd y gân lawer o bobl yn ei gymuned, gan eu hysbrydoli i newid eu hymddygiad.

Dywed DJ Ditz: “Mae cerddoriaeth yn iaith syml iawn ac mae neges y gân hon yn cynnwys yr holl wybodaeth am COVID-19. Os bydd ein pobl ni'n cadw'n ddiogel, fe fydda i'n ddiogel hefyd.”Defnyddiodd United Purpose ganeuon, cerddoriaeth fachog a dramâu byrion i rannu negeseuon hanfodol am COVID-19 drwy stondinau symudol, gan gyrraedd 1,164,248 o bobl mewn 95 o ganolfannau poblogaeth yn Nigeria. Gwnaed hyn yn bosibl diolch i gyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru.