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New challenges demand new solutions, and the global pandemic has also triggered creativity, learning and information-sharing across the world. Across West Africa, United Purpose has worked with musicians, community activists and local governments to spread knowledge about staying healthy and limiting the spread of the virus. This time of disruption and challenges has also become a time to communicate, innovate and learn.
Mae heriau newydd yn galw am atebion newydd, ac mae’r pandemig byd-eang hefyd wedi sbarduno creadigrwydd, dysgu a rhannu gwybodaeth ledled y byd. Ledled Gorllewin Affrica, mae United Purpose wedi gweithio gyda cherddorion, ymgyrchwyr cymunedol a llywodraethau lleol i rannu gwybodaeth am gadw’n iach a chyfyngu ar ledaeniad y feirws. Mae’r cyfnod hwn o darfu a heriau hefyd wedi dod yn gyfnod o gyfathrebu, arloesi a dysgu.